Resources » Pathways


An informational video on the Pathway to Biliteracy and Seal of Biliteracy Awards
Kinder & 1st grade criteria
video informativo sobre el Camino a la alfabetización bilingüe y el Premio Sello de alfabetización bilingüe
elementary school criteria
In today’s interconnected world and global economics, students who deeply understand different cultures and who are proficient in more than one language are better poised for future successes.

Scientists who study the brain say that learning multiple languages at a young age provides multiple benefits such as:  stronger cognitive abilities, deeper academic understanding, multicultural awareness and heritage connections.

The LA Unified School District has a  diverse student body which represents more than 92 different languages spoken in LA Unified schools.  The Global California initiative envisions that by 2030 half of California’s K-12 students will be enrolled in programs that will develop proficiency in two or more languages.