Uniform/Dress Code
Uniforms remind students to come to school focused and with an attitude of learning. The uniforms create a sense of community among all learners at Harbor City. Uniforms are to be worn Monday through Friday. The uniform includes:
NAVY BLUE or KHAKI bottoms (pants, shorts, or skirts) and
WHITE, LIGHT BLUE or NAVY BLUE COLLARED shirt.,or a t-shirt with the Harbor City logo.
A mask is optional
Harbor City Elementary STEAM Academy is one of many Los Angeles Unified Schools that have adopted school uniforms. The students at Harbor City Elementary are required to follow the mandatory uniform policy, which was approved by the Harbor City Elementary School Site Council on April 19, 2010.
Starting in August, please send your child to school in complete uniform Monday-Friday.
Our uniform allows for many student choices, while ensuring that students are neatly and appropriately dressed for learning. The colors of our school uniform are navy blue or khaki bottoms, white, navy blue or powder blue shirts (collared only). Our uniform code is as follows:
Navy blue or khaki pants, shorts, skirts or jumper.
Navy blue Harbor City jackets and Harbor City cardigan sweaters.
White, navy blue or powder blue polo shirts - solid colors only.
Harbor City Elementary t-shirts and sweatshirts are also appropriate for uniforms.
No logos, pictures, or writing on clothing (unless it is the Harbor City Elementary logo).
Please remember that K-5 students have a PE fitness/activity everyday so shoes should fit comfortably for those activities.
"Wrong-sized clothes” – either too big or too small - may not be worn to school.
Skirts, dresses and shorts must be at least fingertip length
Untucked shirts should not exceed wrist length
Pants must fit around the waist – oversized sagging pants are not part of the school uniform.
You can buy these uniform components at reasonable prices at any store. You are not limited to any particular brand of clothing. Your child may already have items of clothing in these colors, too. Please call us if you need assistance getting a uniform.
Our school is using the following vendor, should you prefer to go to the uniform store to purchase uniforms. Embroidery is available at the store locations. The vendor will also come to the school at various times during the school year.
Rules for Free Dress Spirit Days
No tank tops, tube tops, spaghetti straps, beachwear.
No visible underwear.
Regular shoes or sneakers with any design or color are acceptable.
Flimsy sandals, flip-flops and “Heelys” are not permitted.

Carrusel School Uniforms, Inc.
7017 Santa Fe Ave, Huntington Park, CA 90255
Website: https://carruseluniforms.com/
Phone: 323-277-4737